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The information provided on this page applies to general troubleshooting questions and actions when using OmniVista Cirrus. You can also find troubleshooting information embedded within the following features:

I signed up for a new account (or an invited account), but I can't find the verification email to activate my account

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Give the email address associated with the account to the OmniVista Cirrus 10 Super Admin. The Super Admin can then find the confirmation token in the Super Admin dashboard and provide you with the confirmation URL to verify your account.

My account has been successfully created but I don’t see any data in OmniVista Cirrus 10

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To see data in the OmniVista Cirrus 10 UI, please check that the following main steps have been completed:

  • Access Points are upgraded to the supported build number. More information.

  • The correct Ports in your Firewall are open and devices are not behind a proxy. More information.

  • The Analytics/QoE URL configured on your Access Points declared in OmniVista Cirrus 10 as Analytics Only devices (not configurable from the OmniVista Cirrus 10 user interface). More information.

  • Devices are declared in your organization. More information.

  • The date set in your Access Points is correctly configured for your Timezone.

From the OmniVista Cirrus 10 UI, how do I know if my Access Points are connected to the platform?

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When your Access Points are correctly configured and connected to the OmniVista Cirrus 10 platform, you can see the date on which they issued data for the last time in the Last Seen column of the Device Catalog screen.

If you don’t see any date in this column, it means that the configuration of your Access Points has not been done properly. Please check this page for further details.

I want to update a configuration object, but I can't click on the Save button. It is disabled (grayed out)

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Try one of the following options to enable the Save button:

  • Check to see if there are any fields on the screen that are required but they weren’t configured. If so, configure the required fields.

  • Try changing another attribute/field with a current value or change a check box selection, then change it back.

When I edit a configuration and click on “Launch … in a new browser tab” to open another screen to edit a related configuration, when I return to the main screen, the Save button is disabled (grayed out)

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To enable the Save button on the main screen, complete other edits on that screen. When you only make changes to the related configuration screen in a new browser tab, the main screen does not reflect that any edits were made. For example, if you wanted to edit an Access Policy related to an SSID from the Customize SSID screen, you would click Edit and select "Edit Access Policy Page in a new browser tab". The Edit Access Policy screen will then open in another browser tab. After you make any changes in the Edit Access Policy screen, if you have not made any other changes in the Customize SSID screen, the Save button for the Customize SSID screen is disabled.

I am not able to see the data in the table contents

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Zoom out with your browser, then reload the page by doing a browser refresh or clicking on the Refresh icon, if available.

In my custom dashboard, I cannot click on the table action buttons (refresh, configuration, full screen, export)

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The screen is not wide enough to correctly display the action buttons. Please zoom out with your browser until the action buttons are on the same line as the table title. You should then be able to click on the buttons.

I open an SSH Terminal session after entering login credentials, but there is no message in the Terminal window console

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There is a delay to open a connection to the device shell, as the console is waiting for the device's message. If it takes more than one minute and there is still nothing, please check the Internet connection, then close the console and restart a new SSH session.

The Access Point Health Threshold data doesn’t reflect the changes done even after saving the changes and getting the success notification message.

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If the data doesn't reflect the changes after seeing the success notification message, click on the refresh button in the table or refresh the page to get the updated data.

The Device Health color and counter aren't updated after the threshold was saved and getting the success notification message.

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  1. Make sure the Access Point or OmniSwitch is running the minimum software required.

    1. AWOS 4.0.8 for an Access Point.

    2. 8.9R1 minimum (8.9R4 recommended) for an OmniSwitch.

  2. Wait 1 to 2 minutes for the device to reflect the new threshold value.

I get an error message while accessing the User Interface for Network Access > UPAM-NAC and Network Access > Accounts screens.

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If you always get the error message "The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." while accessing the above screens or other menu items, then please try updating the timezone of your Organization as it will synchronize the data for the OmniVista Cirrus Menu items.

You can update the timezone by accessing the Basic settings screen, (Organization > Settings > Basic settings).

I am not able to customize the WiFi4EU captive portal template for SSID and got error 500 when deploy changes to Access Point with layout type WiFi4EU.

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To customize the WiFi4EU captive portal template, you have to upload another photo for the template’s banner as there is no button to edit the default template. However, you can edit the Login Background color and Login Button.

Before opening an eSR, please follow the steps below to make sure your Analytics Only Access Points are correctly configured:

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support@AP-2D:40:~$ cat /var/config/qoe.conf
  • Step 2: Check that the process is loaded:

support@AP-2D:40:~$ ps | grep mdps
3641 support   1332 S    grep mdps
30177 root     16960 S    /sbin/mdps -c /tmp/config/qoe.conf
  • Step 3: Check that data is being sent to the OmniVista Cirrus 10.3 platform:

support@AP-2D:40:~$ cat /var/log/mdps.log
2021-09-27 02:21:54(251102,949) [MDPS] - Uploader Enqueued message (2415 bytes) for topic ext_ov_qoe_events
2021-09-27 02:21:54(251102,950) [MDPS] - Uploader Enqueued message (635 bytes) for topic ext_ov_qoe_events
2021-09-27 02:21:55(251103,566) [MDPS] - Uploader Enqueued message (955 bytes) for topic ext_ov_qoe_events
2021-09-27 02:21:55(251103,711) [MDPS] - Uploader Enqueued message (1508 bytes) for topic ext_ov_qoe_events

If after following these steps you are still not able to get data, please open an eSR and collect the support logs from the OmniVista interface. Please connect to your OmniVista 2500 / OmniVista Cirrus instance and go to the Administration → Audit → Collect Support Info page:

In Configuration Backup table, I got timeout message after waiting for 1 minute "Can not connect to the server, the request has been timeout. Please try again later."

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There is an SSH connection issue between OmniVista Cirrus 10 and the Switches. Please verify that SSH is enabled through the Switch CLI before performing an instant backup or scheduling a backup for the switch.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.