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Perform Device Operations

In addition to performing actions, such as adding, editing or deleting devices, you can perform additional device operations by selecting a device(s) in the list, then clicking on Actions to select one of the operations described below. Note that the Actions button does not appear until you select a device.


Not all operations are supported on all devices., and some operations can only be performed on a single device, not multiple devices. If an operation is not supported for the selected device(s), it will be grayed out or not included in the list.

  • Edit Device - Edit the device settings.

  • SSH - Opens up an SSH or Telnet session with the selected device on the Terminal screen.

  • Web UI (AP only) - You can connect to individual Stellar APs using the Web UI Device Management Tool. The tool can be used to view and configure certain management parameters on an individual AP. Select an AP device in the catalog list, then click on Actions and select AP Web from the drop-down menu. The Login page for the Web UI Management Tool will appear. The password is set on the Provisioning Configuration Screen (AP Web configuration).

  • Rediscover (Switch only) - Triggers an immediate polling of the selected device(s) to update Switch information known to OmniVista Cirrus. For example, you may not want to wait until the next polling interval to update any changes to the Switch configuration (such as status, VLAN members, ports, IP address). When you click on Rediscover in the Actions drop-down menu, you are prompted to confirm the rediscovery of the selected device(s). Click OK to continue and a progress screen will appear. When the discovery is complete, the Device Catalog information for the device(s) is updated.

  • License - Assign or release a license for the selected device(s).

  • Diagnostic Tools

    • OmniVista Cirrus Agent (Switch only) - When a Switch running AOS 8.9R1 or higher is added to the Device Catalog, OmniVista pushes the OmniVista Cirrus Agent to the Switch, then installs and starts the agent on the Switch. The following options allow you to manage the OmniVista Cirrus Agent on the Switch from the OmniVista UI:

      • Upload Package File - Upload the OmniVista Cirrus Agent package on the Switch. Note that after the Agent package is uploaded to the Switch, the running configuration should be saved before the Desired Software Version for the switch is set.

      • Upload Configuration File - Update the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Config and/or Monitoring files.

      • Status - View the status of the OmniVista Cirrus Agent that is running on the selected Switch. Use this screen to verify device information, agent version, status, and the last start or stop times of the Monitoring/Config agent components. After a package and/or configuration file updated, the agent is restarted. You can view the Status screen to check the agent status and start times.

      • Restart Agent - Manually restart the Config/Monitoring agent components.

    • Ping - Immediately pings the selected device when you click on Ping in the Actions drop-down menu. OmniVista pings the device to determine reachability and manageability. The “Management Connectivity” field for the device will reflect the results of the ping for approximately two minutes (On = success, Off = failure). If after two minutes a message is received from the device, the Management Connectivity status updates to On. However, if the status is Unknown, then after approximately three minutes with no message from the device, the status changes to Off.

    • Reboot - Manually reboots the selected device(s). The reboot operation is different depending on the device type. Note that the Reboot action is supported on Switches running AOS 8.9R4 or higher, and that if you select both Switch and AP devices,, only the Switches will be rebooted.

      • Switch Device - When you select a Switch(es) and click on Reboot from the Actions drop-down menu, you are prompted to select the switch directory that you want to reboot from (Working, Certified, or Other Directory) and when you want the reboot to occur (now, a specific number of minutes from now, or at a specific date and time). Note that when you reboot multiple devices, there is a minimum delay of 30 seconds before the devices reboot (even if you select the Reboot now option). If you select a large number of devices, the delay is equal to roundoff of (30 + (deviceCount/4), in seconds (e.g., if you select 1,000 devices, the delay is 280 seconds, or 4 minutes). The delay allows time to push the "Reboot" command to all devices.

      • AP Device - When you select an AP device(s) and click on Reboot from the Actions drop-down menu, you are prompted to confirm the reboot of the selected AP device(s). Click OK to continue. When a Stellar AP device is rebooted, the latest configuration available on OmniVista is downloaded to the device. If the device is unable to connect to OmniVista, the device will reboot with the latest saved local configuration.

    • Reset (AP only) - You can reset an AP by selecting the AP(s), then click Actions and select Reset from the drop-down menu. The AP will reset to the factory default configuration and reboot. When an AP is rebooted as part of a reset, the latest configuration available on OmniVista is downloaded to the AP. If the AP is unable to connect to OmniVista, the AP will come up with the factory default configuration.

    • Ping from device (AP only) - Specify the host FQDN or IP address that you want to ping from the device.

    • Traceroute from device (AP only) - Specify the host FQDN or IP address that you want to run a traceroute from the device.

    • Collect Support Info - Collects log information from the device that you can then send to the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) team to troubleshoot problems. See the Collect Support Information online help for more information.

    • Troubleshoot Device - Opens the Device Troubleshooting screen for the selected device. From this screen, you can view a list of assigned commands previously issued to network devices, create troubleshooting commands to issue to network devices, edit and delete assigned commands.

    • View Activation Log - Displays the current call-home activation log file for the selected device.

  • Configuration Management

    • Save to Running - Saves the current running configuration to the current “working” directory of the selected device.

    • Copy Running to Certified (Switch only) - Copies the contents of the working/running directory to the certified directory of the selected switch.

    • Copy Certified to Running (Switch only) - Copies the contents of the certified directory to the working/running directory of the selected switch.

  • View Wired Clients (Switch only) - Redirects to the Wired Client Sessions screen to display sessions for the selected Switches. Note that you can select up to 10 Switches in the Device List. However, you cannot select both Switch and AP devices to display Wired Client Sessions.

  • Enable/Disable IoT (AP only)- The IoT feature provides a detailed, "real-time" view of all endpoint devices connected to Stellar AP devices (e.g., PCs, Tablets, Smartphones). IoT is disabled on Stellar APs by default. You can enable the IoT feature by selecting the AP(s), then click on Actions and select Enable IoT from the drop-down menu. (Note that enabling or disabling IoT is not offered in the Actions drop-down menu if the device does not support IoT.) When IoT is enabled, OmniVista will begin collecting IoT information for endpoints connected to the selected APs. To view the IoT information collected, go to the IoT Devices screen (Network > Access Records > IoT Devices) under the “Monitor” section of the OmniVista Cirrus Menu.

  • Change LED Mode (AP only) - Select one of the following options to set the LED mode for the AP:

    • Save as Normal Mode - The LED displays in normal mode (Red/Green/Blue).

    • Save as Night Mode - The LED indicator is shut off.

    • Save as Blink Mode - LED alternately blinks Red/Green/Blue so that you can visually locate the AP(s).

  • Mesh Topology (AP only) - Displays the Mesh topology for the organization. This option is available if the AP device is participating in a Mesh configuration. See the AP Mesh Configuration online help for more information.

  • View Wireless Clients (AP only) - Redirects to the Wireless Client Sessions screen to display sessions for the selected AP devices. Note that you can select up to 10 APs in the Device List. However, you cannot select both AP and Switch devices to display Wireless Client Sessions. In addition, you cannot view wired clients connected to AP devices from the Device List; instead, go directly to the Clients screen.

  • Poll Links - Triggers an immediate polling of the selected device(s) to discover links.

  • Delete - Deletes the selected device(s) from the Device List. Note that the device is then no longer managed by OmniVista Cirrus, but may still be up and running in the network.

  • Additional Information - Displays information about a specific device. When you click on this action, the Device Information screen opens for the selected device.

  • View Traps - Redirects to the Network Events screen to display trap notifications for the selected device(s).

  • Poll for Traps (Switch only) - Triggers an immediate polling of the selected device(s) to update trap information.

  • Configure Traps - Redirects to the Create Event Configuration screen where you can configure the traps that you want the selected device to send to OmniVista Cirrus.

  • More Actions… - Displays the Detailed Device Information screen for the selected device. This screen displays all of the configuration information about the device and allows you to perform actions on the device.

  • Advanced Actions - This option is available on the Actions drop-down menu of the Detailed Device Information screen.

    • Launch Heat Map - Opens the Wi-Fi Heatmap screen which provides a visual representation of the wireless signal coverage and strength of Access Points connected to the network. See the Wi-Fi Heatmap online help for more information.

OmniVista Cirrus Agent

The OmniVista Cirrus Agent is an independent package that OmniVista Cirrus automatically downloads, installs, and starts on a switch when the switch is added to the Device Catalog. The package consists of a monitoring and configuration agent that interacts on a push-pull, on demand basis with OmniVista Cirrus to manage switches.

The OmniVista Cirrus Agent options under Diagnostic Tools in the Device Catalog allow you to manage the Agent on the switch from the OmniVista Cirrus UI. To access these options, select one or more devices, then click on Actions > Diagnostic Tools > OmniVista Cirrus Agent.


Upload Package File

Use this option to upload the OmniVista Cirrus Agent package on the switch. Click on the “Choose file” field to locate the OmniVista Cirrus Agent .zip file, then click on Upload.


After the Agent package is uploaded to the switch, the following message displays:

"The package upload request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes."

The Agent is restarted after the package update. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.

Note: After the Agent package is uploaded to the switch, save the switch running configuration before setting the Desired Software Version for the switch.

Upload Configuration File

Use this option to update the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Configuration and/or Monitoring agent files. Select the Config Agent, Monitoring Agent, or both agents, then click on the appropriate “Choose File” field to locate the .cfg and click on Upload.


After the Config or Monitoring agent file is uploaded to the switch, the following message displays:

"The package upload request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes."

The Agent is restarted after the package update. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.


Use this option to verify device information, agent version, status, and the last start or stop times of the Monitoring/Config agent components. After a package and/or configuration file update, the agent is restarted. You can view the Status screen to check the agent status and start times.


Restart Agent

Use this option to manually restart the Configuration and/or Monitoring agent components on the switch. Select the Config Agent, Monitoring Agent, or both agents, then click on Restart.


Based on which agent components you selected to restart, the following messages display:

  • Monitoring Agent Message - “Restart of monitoring agent request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

  • Config Agent Message - “Restart of config agent request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

  • Both Agents Message - “Restart of both config agent and monitoring agent request have been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

The Agent is restarted. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.

Viewing the Activation Log File

When you click on the View the Activation Log option in the Diagnostic Tools drop-down menu, the most current device activation log entries are displayed.


From the Current Logs screen, you can perform any of the following actions to navigate the log entries:

  • Click on the Refresh icon to refresh the display with the most recent log entries.

  • Download the contents of any log file you are viewing by clicking on the Download icon at the top of the screen. The contents of the log file will be downloaded to your computer as a text file that can be opened with any text editor.

  • Scroll through the contents of a log file using the scroll bar and arrows on the right side of the screen. You can also search a log file by keyword. Enter the search criteria in the "Search all …" field at the top of the log file and click on the Search Next button. The word or phrase is highlighted in yellow throughout the file. You can scroll through the file or click on the Search Next or Search Previous buttons to search through the file.

When you are done viewing the device activation log entries, click on Close.

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