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Device Troubleshooting

The Device Troubleshooting screen is used to send commands to network devices to troubleshoot and resolve device problems. A list of commands is provided. You can use these commands as is, or edit them for your specific situation. Commands previously issued to network devices are displayed in the Assigned Commands Table and can be used to access troubleshooting logs.

To access the Device Troubleshooting screen, click on Inventory > Device Troubleshooting under the “Configure” section of the OmniVista Cirrus Menu.


Use the Device Troubleshooting screen to view a list of assigned commands previously issued to network devices, create troubleshooting commands to issue to network devices, edit and delete assigned commands.

Troubleshooting a Device

To issue a troubleshooting command to one or more network devices, click on Assign Command in the top-right corner of the Device Troubleshooting screen. The Assign Command screen provides the following step-by-step process to create and issue a troubleshooting command to a network device(s):

Step 1. Device Selection - Select the device(s) to which the troubleshooting command will be issued.

Step 2. Command Selection - Select the command to be issued to the selected network device(s).

Step 3. Command Argument Editing - Edit the default command argument, if necessary.

Step 4. Review - Review command details and assign the command to the selected network device(s).

Step 1. Device Selection


Select one or more devices to which you will issue a troubleshooting command, then click Next to move to the next tab (Step 2).

Step 2. Command Selection


Select the command that you will issue to the selected device(s), then click Next to move to the next tab (Step 3). You can only select one command at a time. Click here for an overview of the available troubleshooting commands.

Step 3. Command Argument Editing


Troubleshooting commands contain default arguments, which are sufficient in most situations. If you do not want to make any changes to the argument, click Next to move to the next tab (Step 4). If you want to edit the command argument, click on the pencil icon next to the command argument. The following Command Argument Editing window opens:


On the Command Argument Editing window, you can do any of the following:

  • Click in the "Input Value" field to edit the argument.

  • Click on the Delete icon to delete an argument from the command.

  • Click on Add Argument to define an input parameter name and input value for a new argument.

When you are done editing and/or adding command arguments, click on Apply to save your changes.

4. Review


Review the command details. Click Previous to return to a previous step to make changes. Click on Assign Command to complete the troubleshooting command assignment. The command will be issued the next time the device calls home.

Troubleshooting Commands

The following list of commands can be used to troubleshoot/resolve device problems.


Upload both the certificate and the private key to the device. This command can be used to backup the certificate and the private key. Each of the arguments are expected to use Json String Escape ( ) to replace newline to ‘\n’ and carriage return to ‘\r’.


Reset a device to factory default settings. This will remove all the existing configurations on the device.


Push a new certificate and private key to a device. This is useful if a certificate has expired or otherwise disappeared from a device. The certificate and private key will be updated on the next "call home".

This command is expected to be used in very rare cases.


Remove both the certificate and key with the associated base name from a device. This command can be used if the certificate and key on a device have expired or are invalid. This command removes them and updates them on the next "call home".

This command is expected to be used in very rare cases.


Generate device information logs that can be used to troubleshoot a device.


Upload a device file that can be used for troubleshooting.


Copy a file from one directory to another directory. This command can be used to backup important files to another folder (e.g., vcboot.cfg, private key, public key).


Remove a file(s) from the device. This command can be used to remove large, unnecessary files to free up space on the device (e.g., image.bak file, log file).


Removes all NTP configuration values from the running config and then writes memory. The date is part of the device validation process. This command removes the current NTP and updates the device with a new NTP server.


Force date and time update on the device. The date is part of the device validation process. This command can be used to update date and time on the device.

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