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OmniVista Cirrus Agent

The OmniVista Cirrus Agent is an independent package that OmniVista Cirrus automatically downloads, installs, and starts on a switch when the switch is added to the Device Catalog. The package consists of a monitoring and configuration agent that interacts on a push-pull, on demand basis with OmniVista Cirrus to manage switches.

Note that if you change the Running directory on the switch, then you must force provision the switch to get the Agent to start.

The OmniVista Cirrus Agent options under Diagnostic Tools in the Device Catalog allow you to manage the Agent on the switch from the OmniVista Cirrus UI. To access these options, select one or more devices, then click on Actions > Diagnostic Tools > OmniVista Cirrus Agent.


Upload Package File

Use this option to upload the OmniVista Cirrus Agent package on the switch. Click on the “Choose file” field to locate the OmniVista Cirrus Agent .zip file, then click on Upload.


After the Agent package is uploaded to the switch, the following message displays:

"The package upload request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes."

The Agent is restarted after the package update. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.

Note: After the Agent package is uploaded to the switch, save the switch running configuration before setting the Desired Software Version for the switch.

Upload Configuration File

Use this option to update the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Configuration and/or Monitoring agent files. Select the Config Agent, Monitoring Agent, or both agents, then click on the appropriate “Choose File” field to locate the .cfg and click on Upload.


After the Config or Monitoring agent file is uploaded to the switch, the following message displays:

"The package upload request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes."

The Agent is restarted after the package update. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.


Use this option to verify device information, agent version, status, and the last start or stop times of the Monitoring/Config agent components. After a package and/or configuration file update, the agent is restarted. You can view the Status screen to check the agent status and start times.


Restart Agent

Use this option to manually restart the Configuration and/or Monitoring agent components on the switch. Select the Config Agent, Monitoring Agent, or both agents, then click on Restart.


Based on which agent components you selected to restart, the following messages display:

  • Monitoring Agent Message - “Restart of monitoring agent request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

  • Config Agent Message - “Restart of config agent request has been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

  • Both Agents Message - “Restart of both config agent and monitoring agent request have been successfully sent to the device(s). Please check the agent status after few Minutes.”

The Agent is restarted. You can see the installed version, status, and start time on the OmniVista Cirrus Agent Status window.

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