Upgrade from Trial to a Paid License Subscription
To manage devices in OmniVista Cirrus 10, you need to import licenses and bind them to your devices. Licenses are imported when you are upgrading from a Trial License to a Paid License. If you are already using a paid license subscription, see License Management Using the CAPEX Subscription Model or License Management Using the Flexible Pay Model for more information.
Importing paid licenses requires an Order ID and an Activation Code, which are used to activate the license. Once the licenses are imported, they are added to the license pool and will be available for use.
License Order ID and Activation Code
To obtain an Order ID and Activation Code, you must contact your Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise representative to request the required licenses. When your request is processed, you will receive an official email containing the Order ID and Activation Code.
Import Device License
The Import Licensees screen is used to import licenses into your OmniVista Cirrus Organization. There are two ways to access the Import Licenses screen:
Click on Import Licenses located at the top of the License Status panel on the Organization Dashboard.

Click on License Management under the “Organization” section of the OmniVista Cirrus Menu to open the License Management screen, then click on Import Licenses.

The following Import Licenses screen opens:

Based on the licensing model you want to use, click on Flexible Pay or CAPEX Subscription to import/upgrade to the selected paid license.
Flexible Pay - The Flexible Pay model organizes orders based on potential future developments and offers flexible payment options (monthly, quarterly, annually). All licenses within a single order share the same end date once a single license in the order is activated. Orders activated at different times will have different end dates. Co-Termination only applies within each individual order and does not extend across multiple orders. The following licenses are available with the Flexible Pay model:
Essentials - The default license for the device that licenses the use of basic features.
Advanced - The basic features license plus the Data Center and 10G feature licenses.
CAPEX Subscription - The CAPEX Subscription model provides a way to manage a set of licenses from one or more orders as a single pre-paid subscription. This model also offers the possibility to have either Co-Termination or No Co-Termination subscriptions. The following license categories are available with the CAPEX Subscription model:
OVCX-APL - Stellar AP Low End
OVCX-APH - Stellar AP High End
OVCX-63 - OS63 Series Switches
OVCX-64 - OS64 Series Switches
OVCX-65 - OS65 Series Switches
OVCX-68 - OS68 Series Switches
OVCX-69 - OS69 Series Switches