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Trial License: The Basics

When a new Organization is created, an Organization Widget representing the new Organization appears on the MSP Dashboard. Before an Organization can be configured for network management, access to the Organization must be requested. This is done by clicking on Request Teaser Period on the Organization Widget.


A Request Teaser Period form is displayed. Complete the fields as described in the MSP Users section or the View an Organization section to send the request for a teaser period.


Once you have been granted access and click on the View organization icon, the Organization Dashboard will appear. From the Organization Dashboard, you can create sites, buildings, and floors. You can also add devices, create Organization Users, and monitor the Organization’s network.  

The OmniVista Cirrus 10 release includes a 90-day trial license, allowing you to evaluate and use its features during this period. If needed, you can request an extension for additional time or more devices. After the trial, you can upgrade to a paid licensed version of OmniVista Cirrus.

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