Configure WLAN Network Management
The OmniVista Cirrus Wireless LAN (WLAN) group of applications are used to configure wireless networks, policies to prevent attacks on Stellar AP Series Wireless Devices, and Radio Frequency (RF) profiles for devices. It is also used to configure External Engines and UPAM server certificates.
To access the WLAN group of applications, click on the Wireless option under the “Configure” section of the OmniVista Cirrus Menu. When you click on the Wireless option, the following list of applications is provided to assist with configuring WLAN network management:
Access Point Groups - Displays information about configured Access Point (AP) Groups. This screen is also used to create, edit, or delete AP Groups.
Provisioning Configuration - Displays information about Provisioning Configurations that are assigned to AP Groups.
RF Profiles - The RF Profiles application is used to create wireless RF Profiles for Stellar APs and AP Groups.
SSIDs - The SSIDs application is used to configure wireless networks. The SSIDs option simplifies wireless network configuration with one-step provisioning, including SSID setup as well as authentication and policy configuration.
WIPS - The Wireless Intrusion Protections System (WIPS) application is used to monitor the wireless radio spectrum for the presence of unsafe access points and clients, and is used to configure policies to classify rogue APs/wireless attacks and take countermeasures to mitigate the impact of foreign intrusions.
External Engines - The External Engines application is used to declare server configurations for Aeroscout, Stellar Asset Tracking, Wifi RTLS, and Advanced Analytics. OmniVista Cirrus can integrate with an Aeroscout, OmniVista Cirrus WiFi RTLS, and OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking Server to provide Location Based Services (LBS); OmniVista Advanced Analytics to provide advanced analytics data to OmniVista Cirrus 10.1 and above installations. BLE Location Service is a pre-configured service dedicated to OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking.
Certificates- The Certificates application is used to configure/upload a Web Server/External Portal Server Certificate File. This Certificate File is used to establish a secure connection between OmniVista Cirrus and APs when using the Web UI Device Management Tool as well as a secure connection to an External Portal Server. This application is also used to upload a Local LDAP Certificate File, which is used to establish a secure connection between an AP and a Local LDAP Server.
External Captive Portal - The External Captive Portal Configuration file is used to provide secure communication between APs and an External Captive Portal Server. The management of external configuration files is done through Access Role Profiles. When the Captive Portal option for the Access Role Profile is set to “External”, you can specify the name of an External Captive Portal Configuration file to use. Traffic assigned to the profile will be redirected to the External Captive Portal Server identified in the configuration file.
Data VPN Settings - The Data VPN Settings application is used to create Data VPN Server profiles. Data VPN Servers allow devices to access remote functionality.