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Monitor Live Wired Clients

The “Live Wired Clients section of the Monitor Clients dashboard includes widgets that show the unique Live wired Clients associated with the managed Access Points.

The Network Analytics Summary at the top of the dashboard displays the total number of Access Points, Access Points Up, Down Count and number of Live Wireless and Wired Clients connected in the Network.

Data displayed in each widget can be exported into a CSV, PDF or Excel sheet format. You can also switch the widgets to full-screen mode for a better display.

Live Wired Clients Table

For each client in the list, the following attribute values are provided:

  • Device Name - The Name of the Device (Or device hostname as determined by the Access Point).

  • Client IPV4 Address - The IPv4 address of the client, if applicable.

  • Client MAC - The MAC Address of the client. (Please note: most mobile devices use random MAC Address for each new connection to avoid tracking).

  • IPV6 Address - The IPv6 address of the client, if applicable.

  • Device Type - If determined, the Device Type of the client. (e.g: Mobile, Computer, ...). It is not always available.

  • Session Duration - The length of time during which the Session was active.

  • Session Start Time - The date and time on which the Session was started.

  • Session End Time - The date and time on which the Session was stopped. (Empty is session is ongoing).

  • AP IP Address - The current (or last) IP address of the Access Point to which the client is wired.

  • AP MAC - The MAC address of the Access Point to which the client is wired.

  • AP Model - The model type of the Access Point to which the client is wired (e.g., OAW-AP1221, OAW-AP1251, …).

  • AP Name - The name of the Access Point to which the client is wired.

  • AP Version - The Version set in the Edit Device page of the Access Point.

  • Site Name - The Site Name of the Access point to which the client is wired.

  • Auth Type - The authentication type used by the client (e.g., WPA2_WPA, PSK, …)

  • Band - The radio band through which the client attached to the AP (2.4GHz or 5GHz).

  • Tx Total - The total number of bytes sent by the client to the Access Point.

  • Tx Errors - The total number of errors sent by the client.

  • Rx Total - The total number of bytes received by the client from the Access Point.

  • Tx Packets - The total number of packets sent by the client to the Access Point.

  • Rx Packets - The total number of packets received by the client from the Access Point.

  • VLAN - The VLAN through which the client accesses the network.

  • Client MAC Type - The MAC address type: Private or Universal.

    • Private - The device MAC address starts with x2, x6, xA, or xE (e.g., 92:c3:07:a2:8a:61). This is usually a locally administered MAC address.

    • Universal - The device MAC address is a unique address assigned by the manufacturer.

Sometimes, for short sessions (lasting less than five minutes), some information may be missing because it could not be determined.

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