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  • Access Point Groups - Displays information about configured Access Point (AP) Groups. This screen is also used to create, edit, or delete AP Groups. Stellar AP Series devices are managed by AP Group. OmniVista does not manage individual APs. You must first add APs to AP Groups. The attributes configured for the AP Group are applied to all APs in the group. Specifying an AP Group is required when adding an AP to the Device Catalog.

  • Provisioning Configuration - Displays information about Provisioning Configurations that are assigned to AP Groups. Access Points that are members of an AP Group utilize the Provisioning Configuration associated with the group to boot up and get a basic configuration. Specifying a Provisioning Configuration is required when creating an AP Group.

  • RF Profiles - The RF Profiles application is used to create wireless RF Profiles for Stellar APs and AP Groups. RF Profiles enable the user to ensure that transmit power and operating frequencies meet the requirements of global regulatory agencies and individual countries. A user can also use the profiles to adjust the wireless parameters and functions according to real network environment to improve the user experience of wireless network.

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