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Organization Dashboard

The Organization Administrator Dashboard is presented to an Organization Administrator at login. The Organization Administrator Dashboard is used to create and manage an Organization’s network. From this Dashboard, an Organization Administrator can create sites for the Organization (including the site’s physical location, buildings, and floors), add network devices to those sites, and monitor and manage those devices.

The Dashboard provides an overview of the number of sites, users, and devices being managed by the Organization, including a list of sites being managed. The Dashboard also provides an overview of the OmniVista Cirrus License and a list of any Audit logs created for the Organization.

The OmniVista Cirrus Menu on the left-hand side provides links to all of the OmniVista Cirrus applications used to configure and monitor the Organization’s network, as well as manage the Organization.

The basic functions that can be performed from this screen are described below.

organization Dashboard - OmniVista Cirrus 10.4.3-20250108-112750.png

UI Functions

The Organization Administrator Dashboard provides the following information and functions:

  • Organization Overview - The fields at the top of the Dashboard display the number of Sites, Users, and Devices for the Organization.

  • Sites List - Displays all of the physical sites configured for the Organization. Click on Site Name to bring up the Site Information Screen and edit site details.

  • License Status - Displays the OmniVista Cirrus license information associated with the Organization, including the start and end dates for the license, the number of days remaining in the license period, and the number of devices that can be managed with the current license.

    • Click on the More details button to navigate to the License Management page to view the license information.

    • Click on the Import Licenses button to import device management Licenses from Orders.

    • Click on the Request an update button to request changes to the length of the License and the number of devices that can be managed.

  • Audit Logs - Displays the Audit Log, which provides a list of all the actions performed by the Organization's users.

  • Alerts - Displays a list of alerts received from network devices managed by the Organization.

  • OmniVista Cirrus Menu - Provides links to all of the OmniVista Cirrus applications used to configure and monitor the Organization’s network, as well as manage the Organization. Click here for an overview of OmniVista Cirrus applications.

  • Privacy - ALE Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

  • Give Your Feedback - Provide feedback about OmniVista Cirrus..

  • Privacy - ALE Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

  • Free and Open Source Software - Free and Open Source Softwares (FOSS) used in OmniVista Cirrus.

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