Alert Definitions
The Alert Definitions screen displays a list of all supported alerts and provides a brief description of each alert. You can also edit the severity level for an alert. To access the Alert Definitions screen, click on Alerts and select Definitions tab under the “Monitor” section of the OmniVista Cirrus Menu.

The Alert Definitions screen provides a List of Alert Definitions that displays basic alert information (for example, name, type, severity level). You can search for alerts by entering a search criteria (for example, Name, type, Severity) in the "Search" field. Only those alerts matching the search criteria are displayed. You can also export the alert definitions list to an Excel sheet, CSV, or PDF file.
Basic Alert Definition Information
Name - The name assigned to the alert.
Type - A description of the alert type.
Severity - The severity level of the Alert. (Normal/Warning/Minor/Major/Critical).
Editing an Alert Definition
Note that you can only edit the Severity field for Alert Definitions. To edit the severity level for an alert or multiple alerts, select the alert in the Alert Definitions list and click on the Edit icon under the “Actions” column.

The following screen will appears.

When you are done making changes, click OK to retain your updates and return to the Alert Definitions screen.
Note: During editing of Alert Definitions, the Severity Alerts update operation is done in the background. You can view the updated results by clicking on the refresh button at certain time intervals as shown below.

To restore the default settings for the Severity field, select the alert in the Alert Definitions list and click on Actions, then click on Reset.

The following confirmation prompt will appears.

Click on Reset to make changes and return to the Alert Definitions screen.
To view the updated severity changes for the Alerts, you can navigate to Monitor > Alerts > Definitions. You can also navigate to Alerts summary and details page to view the severity updates.