SMS Provider
SMS notifications are sent through SMS service providers to inform the users with short messages about the services which they have configured in OmniVista Cirrus 10.
For each organization, Organization Admin users can configure which SMS Service will be used to send SMS notifications. In OmniVista Cirrus R10, the SMS service configuration is available for two services.
To configure SMS provider settings, click on Organization > Settings > SMS Provider to view the SMS Provider page.
Select your preferred SMS Service Provider (Twilio or Plivo) and configure its settings.
Preferred SMS Provider
You need an account to enable SMS services from OmniVista Cirrus. Register for an account if you don't have one already on Twilio or Plivo.
Plivo SMS Provider Settings
Plivo Auth ID - Every Plivo resource has an authentication Id. You can find it from your Plivo Web Console.
Plivo Auth Token - Plivo uses the Auth Token to authenticate API requests. The Auth Token can be located in the Plivo Web Console.
Twilio SMS Provider Settings
Twilio Account SID - Every Twilio resource has a digit String Identifier. You can find it from your Twilio Web Console.
Twilio Auth Token - Twilio uses the Auth Token to authenticate API requests. The Auth Token can be rotated in the Twilio Web Console.
Source Number
The source number specifies the phone number, short code, or Messaging Service that will send the SMS message. The source Number must be associated with your registered account in Plivo or Twilio.
After configuring SMS Provider Settings, you can test the SMS Service by sending a test SMS.
Testing the SMS Service
SMS Service settings of Trillo or Pilvo can be tested by providing a recipient number and send a test message to that number.
A Recipient number should be in the form of:
A Short Code is a 5 or 6 digits number (e.g.12345, 123456).
A Long Code includes:
Country code: from 1 to 3 digit number.
Area Code: 1 to 5 digit number
(eg. +1-425-555-0100, +1 425 555 0100, +14255550100 or mixed type +1-425 5550100).
Note that you need to have a registered SMS service account (Twilio or Plivo) for testing the SMS Service.