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Getting Started

OmniVista Network Advisor is an application which monitors your network.  OmniVista Network Advisor identifies anomalies on your network using device logs and notifies system administrators and other authorized persons through Rainbow.  Some notifications alert those receiving events that something, potentially serious, has taken place. Other notifications not only alert the user that something has happened, but also suggest steps to remediate the situation and to take action immediately. 

OmniVista Network Advisor consists of two main UI components:  The Rainbow Bubble where events are posted and a Web Application where the user can configure OmniVista Network Advisor, easily view past notifications, control user access, create custom anomaly detection and perform other configurations. 

At the time an issue occurs the application triggers a number of context-related actions in order to efficiently notify the network administrators and supports them in handling the problem by collecting the faulty logs and providing a remediation while the root cause is investigated.

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