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Device Configuration

This section describes about configuring Network Advisor as a syslog server for each device to be monitored.

On an OmniSwitch:

For OmniSwitches the following commands are automatically pushed when an OmniSwitch is added into the Device Management page. When new switches are added, or the syslog port, or application FQDN/IP gets changed, the application tries to automatically update the switch’s syslog configuration. It is recommended to check the log (/var/log/netadv/netadv.log) to confirm that all switches were updated properly.

-> swlog output socket <ip_address> 10514 vrf-name <vrf>
-> interfaces ddm enable
-> interfaces ddm-trap enable

Note that the application is taking into account syslog messages received from device IP addresses configured in the Device Management table.  If a switch is running with several IP interfaces, you can force the syslog packets to be generated from a specific IP interface with the following command:

-> ip service source-ip <interface-name> swlog

On Stellar APs:

If running in Cluster mode, go to System->Syslog.

Note: In Cluster mode only syslog UDP Port 514 is supported.

If running in OV2500/OVCLOUD mode, go to OmniVista -> Network -> AP REGISTRATION -> AP Group -> edit the AP Group section:

  • Log Remote set to On.

  • Syslog Server IP <ip_address> Port 10514.

OmniVista Network Advisor Configuration Guidelines

Configure Network Advisor as a syslog server for each device to be monitored.

  • Network Advisor does not perform a ‘write memory’ on the OmniSwitch so Network Advisor configuration changes, such as syslog configurations, could be lost after a reboot. Manually save the configuration to the OmniSwitch.

  • It is suggested to use NTP to provide a unified time source for all connected devices. This will provide accurate timestamping, detection, and remediation of issues.


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