Account Information
Your basic User Profile is created from the information you enter when you create your Fleet Supervision Account (e.g., Name, Company Name, Password). However, you can edit your User Profile at any time.
Open the User Profile Menu by clicking on your initials in the upper-right corner of any screen, then select My Profile to bring up the My Profile screen.

Edit any field on the My Profile tab as described below, then click on Save.

Avatar - Click on the Camera icon and upload a .png, .jpg, or jpeg file.
Full Name - You can edit your name.
E-mail - Filled in when your account was created. Cannot be edited.
Your Company Name - Filled in when your account was created. Cannot be edited.
Contact Phone - Enter a contact phone number.
Country - You can edit your country by selecting a country from the drop-down menu.
Address - Enter your company street address.