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Device Prerequisites

The device prerequisites provided in this section apply to the following devices:

  • Access Points that are fully managed by OmniVista Cirrus 10

  • Access Points that are only monitored from OmniVista Cirrus 10.

  • AOS Switches that are fully managed by OmniVista Cirrus 10

The minimum device software versions for onboarding and management are detailed below. The minimum onboarding versions are required for the device to connect to OmniVista Cirrus. The specified management software versions are required to support all of the management features available in OmniVista Cirrus 10.


For onboarding (call home and connection to the OmniVista Cirrus Server), devices must be running the following minimum software versions:

  • AOS 8.9R1

  • AWOS 4.0.8

There are configuration steps that must be completed to onboard devices. See Onboarding Devices for OmniVista Cirrus Management for more information.


Devices must be running the software versions specified below to support all of the features available in OmniVista Cirrus 10.

  • Essential Switch (E) - OS6465/OS6560 (8.9R1 and above)

  • Core Switch (C) - OS6900 (8.9R1 and above)

  • Advanced Switch (A) - OS6860/OS6860E/OS6865 (8.9R1 and above)

  • Stellar AP (SA) - All AP models are supported, except AP1101, AP1201L, AP1201H, AP1201HL, and AP1261. (AWOS 4.0.8 to call home and onboard in Full Management Mode; AWOS 4.0.5 GA and above, up to 4.0.8 GA to onboard in Analytics Only Mode. These official software versions are available for download from

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