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Anomaly History

The Anomaly History screen displays a history of detected anomalies that you can analyze to detect patterns of network behavior. For example, how many anomalies were from a specific device. To access the Anomaly History screen, click on Anomaly History under the “Anomaly Monitoring” section of the OmniVista Network Advisor menu.


The Anomaly History screen automatically refreshes on a regular basis to display new anomaly notifications that were received. The top section of the screen provides display filters to display anomalies detected during a specific window of time and/or search for a certain type of anomaly.

Viewing the Anomaly History

All anomalies collected during the specified time range are displayed. The Anomaly History screen provides the following information for each detected anomaly.

  • Detected At – The date and time the anomaly was detected.

  • Anomaly Name – The name of the anomaly.

  • Recorded – Whether a recommended action was taken (Yes, No, Auto -remediation set to remember, or Monitor - if monitor mode is set).

  • Device – The host name of the device from which the anomaly was detected.

  • Port – The device port number on which the anomaly was detected.

  • Decision - The decision that was made through a Rainbow Alert message to remedy the anomaly or there was a timeout before a decision was made or the decision made failed.

  • Decision By – Displays the Rainbow username of the decision maker to help determine who acted on the detected anomaly. 

  • Decision At – The date and time the remediation decision was made.

  • Rollback By – Displays the Rainbow username of the user who cleared the remediation action by re-authorizing the device.

  • Rollback At – The date and time the device was re-authorized to clear the remediation action.

  • Description – Additional information about the detected anomaly.

Next to each anomaly entry, there are icons under the “Actions” column that you can click on to view additional information.

  • Additional Information – Click to view field values for the anomaly entry.

Export the Anomaly History

To export the Anomaly History to a file, click the Export icon on the Anomalies List and select Excel, CSV or PDF from the drop-down menu.


Browse to the location on your system where you want to export the Anomaly History file and click Save.

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