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Sending Next Requests

Once you have a valid Bearer token, you can now call the next APIs by setting the Authorization request header field. The valid syntax is the following:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


In the following example, we'll try to fetch all sites created by the authenticated user.

GET https://{your_region}{orgId}/sites

Request Headers:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIU...plaVi7K04EqcjnkhPE8

Response Body:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Sites have been successfully fetched.",
  "data": [
            "createdAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
            "id": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b9",
            "name": "ALE USA",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "isDefault" :true,
            "timezone": "US/Michigan",
            "address": "",
            "location": null,
            "zoom": 19,
            "imageUrl": "",
            "organization": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"
            "createdAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
            "id": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b8",
            "name": "ALE Colombes",
            "countryCode": "FR",
            "isDefault" :false,
            "timezone": "Europe/Istanbul",
            "address": "",
            "location": null,
            "zoom": 19,
            "imageUrl": "images/brest.png",
            "organization": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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